Last Cake for 2020. Birthday surprise for a writer!
Chocolate Orange
2021 – Start of a new year
Special Cake for a retired Lorry Driver – Inside chocolate sponge and buttercream icing
Beatrix Potter themed Baby Shower Cake – Lemon sponge with lemon buttercream icing and lemon curd
For someone who loves to garden and go hillwalking. I did get my hill inspiration from Scotly!
Chocolate Heaven!
Request for a very chocolatey cake. The whole cake is made of chocolate from the sponge, through to the decorations. The peanut butter cup were home made
All the squares are individually place onto the cake. Made of a 4 layer square vanilla sponge with jam and vanilla buttercream icing. The character is made of modelling paste which is also edible.
The original request for a tap turned into this! Always happy to chat to find out more of what you require from a cake. Was fun to create this plumber inspired creation.
Hunting theme cake was requested with a blueberry cake with vanilla buttercream filling. Was sent a picture and created the cake from that. So lovely to be able to create something for member that they have not been able to visit due to the restrictions of Covid. Was a genuine surprise on delivery and makes my day to see someone smile 🙂
Who doesn’t like Lego! At least these blocks are edible and don’t hurt when you step on them !! It is made with a chocolate sponge and chocolate buttercream filling. Such a fun, bright and funky cake to add to a birthday surprise.
NHS hero
Coffee walnut cake with walnut brittle
Happy Birthday
Keeping it simple with brightly coloured letters and numbers
Emerald Wedding Anniversary
Lemon Sponge with Vanilla Buttercream Filling. The family have had a small holding farm and wanted this as a theme for this special anniversary
Ball Games
When the birthday boy is a fan of football, golf and rugby. Cake made of a plain sponge with a vanilla buttercream filling
Plain sponge with a vanilla buttercream filling. Request for a horse and dog themed cake as they are her biggest passions with a bit of cheekiness thrown in.
18th Birthday Surprise!
Surprise for their son who didn’t want a fuss for his 18th birthday. He is very passionate about Aberdeen Football Club and playing golf. Chocolate sponge with a chocolate buttercream filling.
I had the pleasure of creating this young man’s 2nd Birthday cake and was delighted to be asked to create his Dinosaur cake for his 3rd. Love the bright vibrant colours and the friendly dinosaurs which was a hit.
These 4 inch cakes travelled down to Oxford for family gathering to celebrate missed big birthday’s for 4 family members. Two cakes were chocolate with chocolate buttercream and the other 2 were carrot cake with a vanilla buttercream.
Simple floral and elegant
Bartleby and True! One little girl’s favourite programme to make her birthday special.
Robin and Rose
Plain sponge with vanilla buttercream is popular. With a request for something not too fussy to celebrate a big birthday.
Wedge Wood and Baking
I like to find out what people like as this helps with making the creation special. I was sent a picture of their wedding cake as wedge wood was a theme for this and was loved by the customer’s wife plus her passion for baking. I drew inspiration from the wedding cake photo and was sent a picture of his wife so I could model the figure. To prevent the main cake being ruined with candles I was asked for somewhere to place the candles on the board. This is truly a special cake.
When you are asked to put a bench on a cake! The photo of the bench was of a brown wooden wagon wheel construction, so a made it look a bit more pretty and special for the birthday celebration.
When your daughter is studying chemistry at university and turns 21. The chemistry theme went down well with this young student. The cake was chocolate with chocolate buttercream filling
Anyone for Yoga?
This special cake was for someone who not only works as a key worker with the NHS but also is a volunteer special constable, event first aid and first responder plus spent 14 years working with aviation as a member of the ground handling team as a dispatcher.
Christian Loubouton Handbag made into cake. A 7 layer tall sponge cake with vanilla buttercream filling. This was the centre piece of a special birthday which the customer loved.
I fell in love with this little Teddy when I was created it. It sits on a plain sponge with vanilla buttercream and a sugar paste overlay, finished with a lilac bow.
Returning customer who requested roses and a robin. Elegant and beautiful
If you like chocolate then this could be right up your street. Its chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream and dark chocolate pencils.
Request was received from a returning customer for a carrot cake with cream cheese buttercream to fill the middle and coat the outside. To decorate I used a white chocolate disc for the writing and added a white chocolate collar, swirl decorations and chopped walnuts.
Chocolate cake with a Gym theme
Storm Arwen was the first of the big named storm which was one of many but this hit Aberdeenshire with a bang. This cake was not for a special birthday but to show love after the year Covid had been with us. I managed to get the sponge baked for this chocolate orange cake before the power went, however, I had to decorate it by lantern light and was chuffed with the result.
Plain sponge with a vanilla buttercream and decoration to celebrate a special birthday from her family to show her former career as a teacher and a message from her grandchildren
Christmas 2021 A selection of cakes made. These are all fruit cakes but happy to do sponge cakes with Christmas decoration as well
Ginger Cake (Gluten Free) with a ginger buttercream. I was asked if I could do a white (grey to those with horsey knowledge) horse and this is what I created. It was only after I completed the cake and it had been collected that I received a picture of his wife’s horse. My jaw dropped as I managed to create a spitting image in sugar paste. It was a complete hit!
Brief was for a raspberry and white chocolate battenburg with a skiing theme. The sponges were raspberry and white chocolate almond. So when cut into they squares were white and pink. They were held together with raspberry jam covered with a layer of marzipan before being covered with a sugarpaste and white chocolate overlay.
I sent the first picture to the customer and he asked for more bling!
Simple is just as beautiful as lots of decoration.
Lemon sponge and buttercream with dark chocolate shards around the outside and decorated with a skiing and bicycle theme.
Bridge, Retired Teacher, Believer in Scottish Independence and a Baker
Who doesn’t like a baddy!! A popular a certain movie and so are certain coloured blocks. Both these cakes were made at different times of the year. First one is a vanilla sponge and the other is chocolate,
This little robot is iconic in a certain SciFi movie series.
Twin peaks and the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer was a popular series during the early 90’s. Cherry pie was a favourite of the FBI agent sent to solve the mystery.
Cherry Bakewell Cake
Little and Large watch cakes for the same customer and 2 different events
Fairy cakes are the a size down from cupcakes and before mini muffins. Flavours for this batch were raspberry and white chocolate, lemon, chocolate and the 2 smaller boxes are gluten free chocolate with edible flowers